How to buy on GiftCardsIndia ?
- Select the voucher from the given categories.
- Select quantity and denomination for the voucher.
- Click "Buy Now" and you will be taken to the shopping cart page.
- If you have any special instructions for delivery, we have a box just above the "Continue Shopping" button, please let us know by filling it in.
- Once you checked all items in shopping cart click the "Pay Now" button.
- Please enter all billing and shipping details.
- If you are paying by Super Card or if you have a discount code, please enter them in the box provided for the same and continue to purchase.
- Select your payment mode and fill all details then click "Submit".
- You are done and the voucher is yours.
Redeem a Supercard
Super Card can be redeemed on only!
- Log onto, and shop for the Gift Cards/vouchers, totalling upto the value of the GCI Super Card that you have.
- Once your shopping cart is ready, click the "Pay Now" button.
- Enter your shipping address and billing details.
- Enter your Super card number in the box provided for the same and click complete my purchase.
Redeem a Brand Voucher
Brand voucher can be used in their respective brand stores only!
- This voucher is valid for 6/12 months from the date of issue.
- Visit the brand store to redeem the voucher.
- Present your voucher to the cashier during purchase.